Patient Satisfaction Survey Questionnaire Examples

Patient Satisfaction Survey Questionnaire Examples

Nowadays, patient satisfaction requires an enjoyable experience, a low wait time, and an easy way to schedule appointments. It’s important to keep in mind that a negative experience can lead someone to look for care elsewhere.

Now, how can medical staff members make sure they live up to these standards and give patients the greatest experience possible?

Why make conclusions when you could just ask your patients? Since they are the service users, they are in the best position to identify your weaknesses.

How are you going to ask the patients?

Patient satisfaction surveys can be used to pinpoint areas that need improvement. That’s why here we will provide you with some patient satisfaction survey questionnaire examples that you can ask your patients to gain insights into their treatment journey. But first, let’s explore what a patient satisfaction survey is and why you should use one.

What Is A Patient Satisfaction Survey? 

The most important method to monitor patient satisfaction, including their level of happiness and interaction with a service provider, is through a patient satisfaction survey. This is done by asking a series of questions concerning various aspects of the service, such as client happiness, waiting times, facility cleanliness, healthcare providers’ communication skills, and the quality of service received.

The input collected through these surveys helps clinics identify points of failure and implement solutions to ensure their service is patient-centered. Understanding patients’ needs allows healthcare providers to improve their services, ultimately enhancing patient care and satisfaction.

Why Do You Need A Patient Satisfaction Survey?

A patient satisfaction survey is important for various reasons, such as:

1. Receiving Comments For Improvement

Patients may express their problems or ideas through patient satisfaction questionnaires. Understanding the thoughts of patients helps companies fix problems and offer better healthcare services.

2. Provides Patient-Centered Treatment

Surveys for patient satisfaction help healthcare providers implement a patient-centered strategy. By getting feedback from patients, you can learn more about their needs. This information will allow services to be tailored to those requirements and expectations, resulting in a more personalized healthcare experience.

3. Review The Performance Of The Team

Surveys about patient satisfaction may be utilized to evaluate how well your healthcare organization is operating. It gives details regarding how efficiently the service was rendered and the way the employees engaged with the clients. This knowledge is useful for determining the group’s performance and productivity.

4. Build Up Transparency

Patient satisfaction surveys build transparency in healthcare. It demonstrates that you are responsive to your patients’ issues and dedicated to giving the greatest possible patient experience.

5. Increased Satisfaction And Loyalty

Patient satisfaction surveys can also reveal how likely they are to suggest your services to others. This data suggests that patients who are pleased with the service will refer it to others and remain loyal to you. It promotes long-term patient connections and increases patient retention.

Before we get started with survey questions, we need to understand the parameters that a patient satisfaction survey should assess. These indicators will assist you in developing the most appropriate queries.

Top Patients Satisfaction Survey Questions

A patient satisfaction survey questionnaire should address multiple important variables that can improve the quality of feedback. Here are the top 20 questions that must be addressed in each patient satisfaction survey:

1. How was the experience of booking appointments for you?

a) Extremely simple

b) Simple

c) Moderately easy

d) Hard

e) Kind of difficult

f) Extremely difficult

2. How long did it take before the doctor attended to you?

a) Just as I expected

b) Longer than I wished for

3. How would you rate the cleanliness of your room and hospital facilities?

a) Very bad

b) Poor

c) Not so good

d) Good

e) Excellent

4. How happy were you with how your healthcare providers (doctors, nurses, etc.) communicated with you?

a) Very dissatisfied

b) Dissatisfied

c) Neutral

d) Satisfied

e) Very satisfied

5. Did our staff show empathy towards your needs?

a) Extremely empathetic

b) Empathetic

c) Somewhat empathetic

d) Not empathetic

6. How would you rate the overall quality of care you received?

a) Very poor

b) Poor

c) Average

d) Good

e) Excellent

7. How well did the healthcare providers explain your condition and treatment options?

a) Not at all

b) Slightly

c) Moderately

d) Very well

e) Extremely well

8. How satisfied were you with the wait time in the waiting area?

a) Very dissatisfied

b) Dissatisfied

c) Neutral

d) Satisfied

e) Very satisfied

9. Did you feel involved in decisions about your treatment?

a) Not at all

b) Slightly

c) Moderately

d) Very involved

e) Extremely involved

10. How comfortable was the waiting area?

a) Very uncomfortable

b) Uncomfortable

c) Neutral

d) Comfortable

e) Very comfortable

11. How would you rate the staff’s responsiveness to your requests or concerns?

a) Very poor

b) Poor

c) Average

d) Good

e) Excellent

12. How satisfied were you with the discharge process?

a) Very dissatisfied

b) Dissatisfied

c) Neutral

d) Satisfied

e) Very satisfied

13. Were your privacy and confidentiality respected?

a) Not at all

b) Slightly

c) Moderately

d) Very much

e) Completely

14. How well did the staff handle any complaints or concerns you had?

a) Very poorly

b) Poorly

c) Neutral

d) Well

e) Very well

15. How easy was it to understand the instructions and information given to you?

a) Very difficult

b) Difficult

c) Neutral

d) Easy

e) Very easy

16. How satisfied were you with the billing and payment process?

a) Very dissatisfied

b) Dissatisfied

c) Neutral

d) Satisfied

e) Very satisfied

17. Did you feel the healthcare providers spent enough time with you?

a) Not at all

b) Slightly

c) Moderately

d) Very much

e) Completely

18. How likely are you to recommend our services to others?

a) Very unlikely

b) Unlikely

c) Neutral

d) Likely

e) Very likely

19. How well were your pain and symptoms managed during your visit?

a) Very poorly

b) Poorly

c) Neutral

d) Well

e) Very well

20. How would you rate the overall experience of your visit?

a) Very poor

b) Poor

c) Neutral

d) Good

e) Excellent

Collecting feedback through these questions can provide valuable insights into areas where improvements are needed. By addressing these areas, healthcare providers can enhance the patient experience, ensuring satisfaction, loyalty, and the highest quality of care.


Understanding and meeting people’s high expectations of their experiences with medical care is critical in today’s world. An essential tool for healthcare professionals looking for in-depth feedback is LazyMonkey, a patient survey software. This QR-based feedback system makes it easy for patients to share their thoughts quickly and conveniently. By leveraging this technology, healthcare providers can gather real-time insights to enhance their services.

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LazyMonkey is your all-in-one solution for improving patient care, retaining more patients, and meeting NABH standards. Our powerful QR-based feedback tool enables you to capture real-time insights from patient feedback, discharge surveys, staff and doctor evaluations, and clinical research, while also streamlining inter-departmental communication.

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